Immink Restauratie Atelier, Heemstede
Wooden furniture and Historical interiors
Inske Immink graduated in 2001 from the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN), training in restoration. Today, this program is part of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) under the name Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, restoration science.
During the training, Inske did an internship at Restaurier Werkstatte Franz Clemens Waldburg Zeil in Hohenems Austria, Herman den Otter Restoration Studio in Haarlem and The Sherman Fairchild Center for Object Conservation at The Metropolitan Museum in New York, USA.
After completing her studies, she gained work experience during 4 years in the restoration workshop Folkers, Vos and Creman in Amsterdam. From 2005 to 2012 she worked in partnership under the name Le Singe Violet in Leiden.
Since April 2012 she has relocated to her own home town Heemstede, under the name Immink Restauratie Atelier on the church square of St. Bavo Heemstede on the corner of Herenweg and Kerklaan.
Inske Immink
Jan van den Bergstraat 58
2101 XD Heemstede
Phone: +31.611352751