Ubald Elshuis Houtsnijwerken, Maarn

Woodcarvings, wooden objects and furniture

Ubald aan het werk

With professional carvings, facades, frames, ornaments, furniture ornaments and other sculptures, in short, everything made of wood, including furniture and panelling, can be made new again. Wood is a beautiful material and can remain beautiful.

In addition to carrying out new assignments and making my own designs, I restore objects that have suffered damage or have been damaged (by time). In consultation with the client, we come to a thorough plan of approach. This can vary between recognized conservation techniques or artisanal restoration using new carvings.

I think it is very important that the original character of the object is preserved.


Ubald Elshuis Houtsnijwerk
Maarsbergseweg 69
3931 JG Woudenberg
Driespronglaan 23
3951 VJ Maarn

Phone: 0612079791
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

